

30ML BOX 750MG

Reduces the Instance of Diabetes in Tests

Promotes Weight Loss in Lab

Reduces the Presence of Bad cholesterol (LDL)

Increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL)

For Research & Lab Use

Cardarine is a bodybuilding supplement – one of the most popular supplements on the market. Cardarine can not only fulfill a familiar promise of gaining more muscle, burning more fat and gaining energy for workout sessions but it can also protect your heart from damage and lower bad cholesterol. This is one of the reasons people love it and want to use it in their routines regularly, especially people who are losing weight and dealing with health conditions along the way.

Cardarine is a supplement also known as GW-501516. It was first created in the 1990s  by Glaxo Smith Kline and Ligand, pharmaceutical companies. They had a mission to stop tumor growth and development in the colon, breasts, and prostate but then they discovered that it’s excellent at reducing body lipid levels. When it was first released, it was marketed as a drug that can reduce bad cholesterol known as LDL cholesterol.

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Fitness and sports industry took to it, naturally, as they saw a great new use for it. Cardarine was unique in the sense that it improved endurance and acid metabolism too. This meant that people in sports and people in bodybuilding could recover from their injuries and general soreness after training or lifting heavy weights faster or that they could take longer training sessions. Naturally, it gained a lot of popularity because of that. Cardarine also has the power to reduce unwanted fat which is a great thing for people who want to lose weight and replace fat with muscles.

In the mid-1990s, cardarine was already heavily adopted by bodybuilders and people in various sports industries. Then a study found that when mice took cardarine, they could perform better physically and then many more athletes, including the Olympic team of 2008, started using it as a doping element.

However, since this was not according to rules, many sports commissions banned cardarine for good. Still, people who don’t want to win a serious competition and just want to gain more muscle mass while losing fat can use cardarine as they wish. Its benefits are some of the best on the market and that’s just one of the reasons why it’s so popular.

Benefits of Cardarine

Here are some of the best benefits of cardarine known to date:

  • It increases your muscle mass
  • It burns fat
  • It makes your muscles stronger
  • It improves your recovery after workout sessions
  • It has no strong side effects or negative side effects
  • It improves your endurance while you work out Stanozolol
MK 677 (Ibutamoren/Nutrobal)


30ML BOX 750MG

Helps in Building Lean Muscle Mass

Aids in body fat reduction and elimination

No negative Side Effects

Causes Minimal Testosterone Suppression

For Research & Lab Use

Each Bottel Contains:
MK 2866 750MG

Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Do not store above 30c & protect
from light.

Keep out of reach & sight of children.
Do not use after the expiry date.

For dosage, administration & detailed
direction for use, see package insert.
For more information check the website.
Laboratory tested, quality guaranteed

MK 677, sometimes called Ibutamoren, is one of the most popular SARM compounds on the market today – particularly with serious athletes and bodybuilders that are looking to dramatically increase their natural human growth hormone levels to produce more lean muscle mass than they would have otherwise. A relatively new SARM (compared to some of the other options on the market right now), MK 677 offers many of the benefits traditional anabolic steroids and synthetic testosterone provides without any of the negative side effects or shortcomings that those chemical compounds inevitably bring to the table. Unique amongst SARM elements however is its ability to activate the secretion of IGF-1 and other growth factors. This is what makes it such a game changer in the world of performance-enhancing compounds and why so many people continue to take advantage of everything this performance booster has to offer. Interestingly enough, MK 677 is not going to also increase or disrupt the activity of other natural hormones and body chemicals like cortisol the way that anabolic steroids and synthetic testosterone can. This makes it more effective and safer, particularly if you aren’t interested in tinkering around with your unique biochemistry all that much.

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You’ll be able to pack on pound after pound of lean muscle mass with the help of this SARM thanks to its anabolic properties You won’t have to worry about muscle wasting the way you might with anabolic steroids or atrophy Your bone density levels are going to increase, though it may take up to 12 months to see significant strengthening in this department You’ll find that you are able to fall asleep much faster with the help of this SARM
Some users of MK 677 have complained of muscle aches and pains when using it regularly MK 677 can elevate your appetite which may result in increased fat stores on your body Those with sensitivity to insulin, as well as those with blood glucose issues, are going to want to avoid taking advantage of all this SARM has to offer
How Exactly Does MK 677 Work?
The way that MK 677 works is rather ingenious, in that it doesn’t necessarily bring outside sources of testosterone into your body to cause and androgenic impact but instead stimulates your own natural hormonal production levels (and elevates them to much higher levels than “normal” so that your biochemicals do all of the heavy lifting. Clinical studies have shown that this SARM works by imitating the overactivity of ghrelin in the human body. This is a natural biochemical existing in the body on a regular basis, a neuropeptide that can trigger a cascade of biochemical reactions throughout the Central Nervous System that increases your release of human growth hormone – allowing you to pack on pound after pound of lean muscle mass with next to no real extra effort on your behalf. You’ll also find this SARM works wonders at increasing your overall metabolism while at the same time improves the efficiency of the way you metabolize body fat already stored. You run the risk of over consuming empty calories because of your elevated appetite when you use this compound, but if you follow a clean diet and watch your caloric intake you can pack on lean muscle mass and melt fat all at the same time.
What Are the Potential Side Effects of MK 677?
Like most other SARM compounds on the market today there aren’t too terribly many side effects you have to worry about with MK 677. The overwhelming majority of side effects that you may have to contend with are minor in nature, including: Some issues with muscular soreness and overall aches and pains the whether or not you are working out A dramatically increased appetite that can leave you hungry even after you consume your daily caloric intake Some biochemical issues for those that have insulin sensitivity or blood glucose concerns Aside from that, there really isn’t all that much to worry about. You certainly won’t have to worry about the kinds of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects that elicits anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs bring to the table.
What Are the Most Effective Dosages of Nutrobal?
The most commonly available form of MK 677 is an orally consumed compound, usually in capsule or liquid form that you will have to take on a daily basis. Daily dosages are usually set at between 10 mg and 25 mg per day, though as someone that may be just beginning with SARM compounds it’s a good idea to start at the lower end of this daily dosage scale before you jump right in. It’s also critical that you slowly ramp up the daily dosage of this SARM rather than just hit the accelerator right out of the gate. You want to pay attention to your own body’s feedback to know exactly what you are up against, making sure that you aren’t pushing yourself too hard or too fast with this chemical compound. A normal cycle of this SARM will last about eight weeks, though you can stretch it out to 10 weeks and sometimes even 12 weeks – though again these kinds of extended cycles are only recommended for those that have used MK 677 in the past and are comfortable with a Post Cycle Therapy protocol. When Should I Expect to See Real Results? You’ll begin to see dramatic increases in your strength and endurance inside of about three weeks after you begin using this SARM, and about three weeks after that you’ll notice that you’ve been packing on pounds of lean muscle mass without adding a lot of fat along the way. At the end of your eight week cycle (or extended cycle) you’ll notice tremendous results made possible through this chemical compound, results that are nearly permanent – though there’s likely going to be some slight regression just after you stop using this compound on a regular basis. Can Ibutamoren Be Stacked with Other Supplements? Absolutely! Like a lot of other popular SARM options on the market today it’s possible to combine MK 677 with other performance-enhancing compounds, including other SARM options, to make sure that you are getting the very best results available. Depending on whether or not you’re looking to bulk, cut, or change the composition of your body you want to mix and match this SARM with different performance-enhancing boosters and supplements. Make sure that you figure out what you’re trying to get out of these performance-enhancing compounds before you begin mixing and matching and you’ll be off to the races in no time!
Final Verdict
All things considered, Ibutamoren brings quite a bit to the table as far as performance-enhancing boosting properties are concerned – and it is certainly a lot safer than anabolic steroids and other traditional performance-enhancing drugs. You’ll notice big benefits in the department of lean muscle mass production almost straightaway, but you can also expect elevated metabolic activity that helps you get lean quickly, improvements in your overall energy and endurance levels, as well as skyrocketed strength both while you are on this compound and afterwards, too. There aren’t a lot of performance-enhancing boosters on the planet today that can offer the same big benefits that this SARM can without any negative side effects in the short or long-term. That’s why it has quickly established itself as one of the most popular athletic and bodybuilding supplements on the market right now and why it will continue to be for years and years to come. Stanozolol
LGD 4033 (Ligandrol)


30ML BOX 300MG

Cuts-down fats

Aids in lean muscle development

Gives a boost in energy, strength,
speed, and endurance

For Research & Lab Use

Each Bottel Contains:
MK 2866 750MG

Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Do not store above 30c & protect
from light.

Keep out of reach & sight of children.
Do not use after the expiry date.

For dosage, administration & detailed
direction for use, see package insert.
For more information check the website.
Laboratory tested, quality guaranteed

Quick Ligandrol Intro

When athletes or bodybuilders are looking to pack on pound after pound of lean muscle mass – without adding pounds of fat along the way – they turned to supercharged supplements like Ligandrol to get the job done.

A Selective Affective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM), Ligandrol works similarly to traditional and anabolic steroids without the same kind of negative short and long-term health side effects those chemical cocktails inevitably bring to the table.

  • Dramatically improves lean muscle mass gains
  • Elevates your fat loss rate
  • Skyrockets strength and endurance
  • May be able to heal and strengthen your skeletal structure and bones
  • Next to no side effects reported during clinical testing
  • Illegal for those competing in amateur and professional sports
  • Long-term side effects are still not fully understood
  • Will cause slight testosterone suppression side effects
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How Exactly Does Ligandrol Work?

The way that Ligandrol works is pretty simple and straightforward – it elevates overall anabolic activity throughout your muscle tissue as well as throughout your bones while at the same time works to dramatically reduce the amount of overall muscle wasting that can happen with atrophy.

Originally intended to help reduce the amount of muscle wasting caused by muscular dystrophy and similar diseases, as well as muscle wasting in the elderly as well as cancer patients, Ligandrol is today used by amateur and professional athletes as a performance-enhancing supplement without the side effects of traditional steroids.

Classified as a SARM (though it has later been classified as a “research chemical”), this chemical concoction has been banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency alongside every other SARM – but that hasn’t stopped people the world over from using it to boost their overall athletic performance.

What Are the Potential Side Effects of Ligandrol?

The reason that so many people choose to take advantage of SARM compounds is because they limit the overall amount of side effects you may be subjected to.

This is an orally taken compound (as opposed to and injectable) with significantly lower and less significant side effects compared to traditional anabolic steroids. We are talking about potential side effects that can include (but are not limited to):

  • Mild gynecomastia
  • Potentially slight testosterone suppression (particularly when you are consuming higher dosages)
  • Higher levels of water retention
  • Slight loss of lean muscle mass post cycle (though most of your gains are permanent)

You’ll be happy to know that the overwhelming majority of people using Ligandrol will not have to move forward with a Post Cycle Therapy protocol the way that you would have with traditional anabolic steroids.

At the same time, anyone that has tested positive for slight testosterone suppression will certainly want to consider moving forward with a PCT protocol that includes a mild amount of testosterone, if only to naturally stimulate hormonal levels that will return your normal production of test asked room back to baseline.

What Are the Most Effective Dosages of Ligandrol?

Another big reason that so many people continue to take advantage of Ligandrol and other SARM compounds is that you can usually get away with consuming much lower levels and lower dosages of these compounds compared to anabolic steroids.

You can get away with almost laughably low doses of this compound and still see tremendous results almost right away. It isn’t at all uncommon for healthy men looking for a performance-enhancing boost to get exactly what they are hoping for – and then some – by using just 1 mg a day of the this compound.

You’ll want to be sure that you are using this supplement correctly (of course), and medical professionals will tell you that it can be safe to take upwards of 10 mg a day if you are consuming it orally.

Obviously you aren’t going to want to push the boundaries of what your body may be able to safely handle right out of the gate, which is why it’s not a bad idea to start with lower dosages before you jump right in.

Healthy women usually top out at about 5 mg per day, though there are some super athletes – dedicated athletes with years and years of training under their belt – of both sexes that can get away with consuming as much as 20 mg per day.

It’s probably best you don’t push things that hard, though. At least not until you know how your body responds to much lower dosages, that’s for sure.

When Should I Expect to See Real Results?

A typical cycle is going to last anywhere between 8 weeks and 12 weeks on followed by a PCT of no supplementation of this compound for between four and five weeks.

You may or may not want to move forward with testosterone boosters during this PCT protocol (depending on your natural levels of testosterone afterwards), but usually it’s more than enough to just let your body naturally reset without taking anything to get you back to better than brand-new.

You should start seeing results almost immediately and you’ll certainly have a good idea of the amount of new lean muscle mass you’ve accumulated with the help of this compound at the end of that 8 or 12 week cycle.

You can also continue to “rinse and repeat” cycles of Ligandrol until you get the results that you are happy with.

Can Ligandrol Be Stacked with Other Supplements?

Like most other SARM compounds on the market today you can certainly choose to “stack” Ligandrol with other supplements and even with other SARMs.

Athletes (professional and amateur) have found a lot of success creating stacks that worked to cut fat faster, to bulk up quicker, and to improve their overall strength and recomposition results depending on the chemical makeup of the SARM combos they have put together.

Those that want to bulk usually choose to stack this with something like MK 677, whereas those looking to recomp their body usually combine Cardarine with Ligandrol.

There are a lot of stacks you can research to help figure out which one will best suit your needs, though the odds are pretty good you’ll have to do a little independent testing and tinkering to find out exactly which ones are going to match your unique biochemistry best.

Final Verdict

At the end of the day, only you will know whether or not this is right for what you are trying to pull off as an athlete or a bodybuilder – or even just someone that is sick and tired of the way they look and feel and wants to transform their body faster than they would have been able to before.

With the help of this SARM, you should be able to significant increases in your overall lean muscle mass even in just a single cycle of Ligandrol. We’ll also notice that your strength and endurance gains shoot through the roof, seeing major differences in your strength and cardiovascular endurance inside of just 21 days.

Fat loss is going to be dramatically accelerated during your cycle and in the first few days post cycle, particularly because your metabolism is going to be working double overtime to generate and grow new muscle tissue.

Best of all, you won’t have to worry about any mood swings, any energy crashes, any headaches, or any of the other side effects that have been so commonly associated with traditional performance-enhancing drugs.

Though the long-term research into this supplement has not yet been completed, there are no known short or long-term side effects that are anywhere near as life-threatening or as dangerous as the ones you can expect with most every anabolic steroid on the market today. Stanozolol



30ML BOX 750MG

Aids in Weight Loss

Increases Endurance

Third-party Lab-Tested

Non-Toxic Formula

For Research & Lab Use

Each Bottel Contains:
SR 9009 600MG

Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Do not store above 30c & protect
from light.

Keep out of reach & sight of children.
Do not use after the expiry date.

For dosage, administration & detailed
direction for use, see package insert.
For more information check the website.
Laboratory tested, quality guaranteed

Introduction to Stenabolic

Also known as SR9009, Stenabolic has gained a great deal of attention in recent years. Some have even gone so far as to compare it to exercise, but in a form one can keep in a bottle. To be sure, there is something decidedly appealing about being able to get the benefits of exercise from something you can take orally. For this reason alone, SR9009 has become very appealing to bodybuilders and other athletes. If you look into some SR9009 reviews, you will see people from all walks of life, raving about the fact that these benefits are legitimate, work quickly, and produce noticeable results. Should such praise be taken seriously?

We think so. However, as is the case with anything for bodybuilding/mass-building, you will want to take a realistic view of things. In other words, while the hype for this particular product is a bit much, there is a significant amount of truth to these claims. The more you learn about Stenabolic, the more excited you are likely to become.

Let’s break down all of the considerations for this product. For example, understand that SR9009 should be considered just element of what you’re doing, in order to meet your bodybuilding goals.


Under a man named Professor Thomas Burris, SR9009 was developed at The Scripps Research Institute. One of the most interesting things about Stenabolic is the fact that it is not an SARM. It is often included as an example of SARMs, but the truth is that it is actually a REV-ERB. It was initially developed with an idea towards understanding the relationship between REV-ERB and the circadian rhythms of mice.

What is REV-ERB? Simply put, it is a protein that you can generally find in certain parts of the body. This includes skeletal muscles, livers, and even the brain. Your sleep patterns are ultimately determined by your circadian rhythms. These elements come together to help determine how a mammal will perform under physically and mentally exhausting conditions. It isn’t hard to see why some are eager to apply the benefits of this supplement to bodybuilding and similar ventures.

At this point, you can better understand the benefits of Stenabolic.

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One of the most notable Stenabolic benefits to keep in mind is how it works on a number of levels.

While it is simultaneously reducing anxiety levels, SR9009 is also improving your overall levels of endurance. Furthermore, SR9009 can also reduce certain undesirables. This includes inflammation, unwanted weight, and high cholesterol. SR9009 has been highly regarded for not only improving all of these areas, but in terms of bringing those benefits to a wide range of individuals. To put it in other terms, bodybuilders are not the only group that can utilize this supplement to a positive end. At the same time, the benefits can be particularly significant to bodybuilders and other athletes.

The weight loss benefit works well with the ability to work harder, which in turn helps one to build bigger, stronger muscle mass. It is worth noting that SR9009 works particularly well with a sensible diet and exercise.

Not only can Stenabolic improve your overall endurance, but it also leaves you with considerably more energy. It works against not only exhaustion, but anxiety, as well. There have even be studies showing that SR9009 can help deal with heart disease. It has even been suggested that this supplement can help to prevent fibrosis.

These are just a few of the benefits being touted for SR9009. Judging by reviews and other information, it certainly seems as though these benefits are worth taking seriously.

Side Effects

At this moment in time, there is very little to be concerned about, with regards to Stenabolic side effects. Studies have not turned up anything that should be of concern to human beings. Furthermore, there does not seem to be any indication that SR9009 can cause liver toxicity over time. Obviously, further studies will likely be conducted, in order to develop an even deeper understanding of what this supplement has to offer over the short-term and long-term.

The only noted side effect of SR9009 has been the presence of insomnia in some individuals. This appears to only occur with individuals who are taking other supplements. You may need to readjust certain supplements you are presently taking. You may have to drop certain supplements altogether. This is the only known side effect to come from Stenabolic interacting with other supplements in a fashion that could be described as negative.

Ingredients And Dosage

Stenabolic is a synthetic, pure supplement. You may find it suspended in a PEG-400 solution. This means ethanol may be part of how your SR9009 is stored. Beyond that, there is really nothing about ingredients that you will need to keep in mind.

On the dosage side of things, understand the following: At this moment in time, there is no official dosage for human consumption. However, bodybuilders and other athletes have come to a consensus as to how much a person should take to achieve desired results. Most experts suggest sticking to a dosage that falls somewhere between 20mg and 30mg. Stenabolic cycles shouldn’t last more than eight weeks, with eight weeks then being taken off from usage. For those who have never used SR9009 before, it is suggested that one start with a smaller dose that falls between 10mg and 20mg. Naturally, you will want to pay close attention to how your body responds.

You should also note that Stenabolic can stack well with other steroids. The half-life for Stenabolic is just four hours, so keep that in mind, as well.

Customer Reviews

Stenabolic customer reviews have been extremely positive across the board. Any reviews you come across will point to this supplement as delivering on exactly what it promises. Naturally, this is also something that will be dependent on whether or not you take the supplement correctly. To that end, make sure you follow all directions associated with the product.

Customer reviews also point to this supplement working to produce results fairly quickly. Anxiety and exhaustion are both reported to drop, once the cycle begins. This is then followed by increased energy, which in turn allows an individual to meet their exercise/bodybuilding goals. Other reviews emphasize that virtually all of the benefits of SR9009 were experienced during a cycle.

Obviously, further reviews and research will give us an even better idea of what this product has to offer. Nonetheless, in the present, SR9009 is one of the best-reviewed supplements for bodybuilding you are going to come across.


Clearly, there is a lot about Stenabolic that is worth getting excited about. Given the almost lack of total side effects associated with this supplement, it seems reasonable to say that this is at least worth a try on your part. It is also affordable enough to make it worth a try.

Again, it is important to follow directions for use exactly as they are stated. You should also note that while this supplement works well on its own, it works even more effectively when combined with sensible diet and exercise. Stanozolol



30ML BOX 750MG

Found to Aid in burning Fat Cells

High Anabolic to Androgenic ratio (90:1)

Does not Affect Hormonal Balance

Increases Speed, Endurance & Strength

Raises Muscle Tone

For Research & Lab Use

Each Bottel Contains:
RAD-140  600MG

Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Do not store above 30c & protect
from light.

Keep out of reach & sight of children.
Do not use after the expiry date.

For dosage, administration & detailed
direction for use, see package insert.
For more information check the website.
Laboratory tested, quality guaranteed

A Quick intro to RAD 140

A powerful performance-enhancing supplement used in the medical world, as well as by amateur and professional athletes as well as bodybuilders, RAD 140 is technically classified as a “research chemical” – a chemical compound that is being researched by the medical community as a potential treatment for a variety of different diseases and conditions, including cancer.

Offering many of the same benefits that traditional anabolic steroids offer – without the life-threatening and potentially deadly side effects that those steroids inevitably bring to the table – RAD 140 is a type of SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) that represents the “next big thing” in the world of performance-enhancing compounds.

Believe it or not, like a lot of other performance-enhancing compounds, RAD 140 is relatively brand-new.

It was only first discovered back in 2010 by the folks at the Radius Health laboratory. At that point in time they were exploring this chemical compound as a potential treatment for osteoporosis as well as looking into how it may help those recovering from breast cancer.

It wasn’t long until those in the athletic community discovered the muscle building and fat burning benefits of this compound, and that’s when RAD 140 really started to take off as far as its performance-enhancing capabilities were concerned.

  • Can improve muscle growth significantly without enlarging the prostate
  • Increases overall lean muscle tissue without increasing fat tissue
  • Speed, strength, and stamina gains are outsized compared to traditional PEDs
  • Can produce a better anabolic effect than synthetic testosterone
  • The long term impact is not yet known
  • RAD 140 can be difficult to get a hold of, depending on local laws and regulations
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How Exactly Does RAD 140 Work?

The way that this chemical compound works is pretty simple and straightforward.

Our bodies are filled with androgen receptors, most of them located within our skeletal muscle structure. These are the muscles that you can willingly control on demand – muscles in your arms, your chest, your shoulders, your legs, etc. – basically all of the major muscle groups that you can target when you hit the gym.

Well, when you flood your body with the RAD 140 compound you trigger those androgen receptors and compel them to elevate the hormonal production in your body necessary for generating new lean muscle mass.

Your anabolic processes kicked into overdrive, maxing out your natural ability to produce more lean muscle mass than you would have been able to otherwise, all without aromatizing– and all without converting to DHT the way that traditional anabolic steroids might.

Your natural testosterone levels increase, your ability to build muscle and melt fat elevate as well, and your energy, your youthful vigor, your confidence, and a whole host of other secondary benefits are all going to increase when you cycle this supplement.

Some have called it the safe version of Dianabol, one of the most powerful – but notorious – anabolic steroids in human history.

What Are the Potential Side Effects of RAD 140?

Of course, the big draw of this SARM (like every other SARM on the market today) is that you are going to see significant performance-enhancing benefits without any real drawbacks or side effects.

The odds are pretty good that you’ve heard a promise like this before in the past – and the odds are even better that you been let down by a performance-enhancing supplement that promised you the moon and the stars when it came to safety but wasn’t able to deliver the goods.

That will not be a problem with this SARM.

One of the coolest things about RAD 140 is that it has absolutely no known negative side effects outside of elevated energy levels that can make it difficult to fall asleep or the converse, that you feel a little bit more fatigued and a little bit more lethargic than you might have otherwise.

It’s important to remember that this chemical compound has only been around for about a decade and we still don’t fully understand or appreciate the long-term health ramifications it may have on the human body.

At the same time, it’s also important to understand that none of the side effects – including the ones we highlighted above – have been clinically linked to this chemical compound and are still described as “anecdotal”.

What Are the Most Effective Dosages of RAD 140?

The biggest trouble you are going to have with RAD 140 is figuring out what the ideal dosage is for your body and what you are looking to pull off.

There is no “universal” dosage that you can begin experimenting with for optimal results right out of the gate. Most people recommend a dosage of anywhere between 10 mg and 30 mg per day, but obviously if you are just beginning to experiment with this SARM you’ll want to make sure that you “under dose” rather than “over dose” to figure out exactly what your body is looking for.

No matter what, make sure that you aren’t pushing beyond 30 mg a day. Stick closer to 10 mg a day (or less) in the early stages and buildup throughout your cycle – always experimenting to find what works best for you.

Speaking of cycles, you’ll want to make sure that you are running a cycle of this SARM that lasts anywhere between 8 weeks and 10 weeks long.

Don’t stretch it beyond 10 weeks or you might start running into some trouble, particularly with inhibited natural testosterone production for a short while after you stop cycling and supplementing this compound.

When Should I Expect to See Real Results?

You will begin to see significant results as far as lean muscle mass production is concerned almost right away, and certainly within the first three weeks of using this compound.

Three weeks is usually when you’ll start to see major jumps in your overall strength, speed, and endurance as well.

All of these increases are going to continue throughout your cycle, and almost all of these improvements are going to be cemented permanently after you conclude your cycle – though there will be some minor regression as you cycle off (like there is with every other SARM or performance-enhancing compound).

Can RAD 140 Be Stacked with Other Supplements?

It is definitely possible to stack RAD 140 with other SARM compounds to see some incredible results, particularly if you’re looking to focus specifically on bulking up or shredding fat exclusively.

Those that choose to bulk with the help of this SARM usually like to mix in a combination of Ibutamoren as well. You’ll want to make sure that your daily dosage (milligrams) of these two in combination never exceed the daily dosage that you would have consumed of RAD 140 alone.

If you’re going to be focusing on shredding fat and cutting, think about combining this SARM with something like Cardarine. Your cutting results will shoot right through the roof with this combination, though you could also tinker with MK 677 if you’re having a tough time keeping your appetite up as well.

Final Verdict

When you get right down to it, there are some significant benefits that different SARM combinations and compounds bring to the table.

RAD 140 on its own is a game changer in every sense of the word, a performance-enhancing compound that can help you build more muscle mass, improve your energy levels, skyrocket your strength and endurance, and help you belt fat a whole lot faster than you would have been able to alone.

Best of all, you’re going to be able to get all of those benefits – ALL of those benefits – without having to worry about the nasty side effects that traditional performance-enhancing drugs or anabolic steroids force you to contend with.